"People who want to share their religious views with you, almost NEVER want you to share your views with them."
08:02 PM on 10/22/2011
"...a higher authority than the Bible."um....okay
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9 hours ago (11:34 AM)
Penny… :) I do appreciate your thoughtful comment in response to my addressing the LDS belief system. I even noticed you got someone's smart badge for your "insight". I will spare you and me the lengthy commentary that would challenge your claims... or rather denials... but rather I will merely suggest you explore the many valid sites that provide more than ample PROOF of the prophecies revealed within the pages of the Holy Bible:) If I provided for you several hundred consistentMore impressive is the fact that there are dozens of passages in Scripture that provide "scientifi
“paulsword~ Your condescending tone is noted, so let me explain something, very clearly. To each his own, and you, nor I, have ANY right to deny any one person the right to an opinion. The one consistent and proven fact is that "People of religious beliefs often want to share them with you, but never want you to share yours with them."
God did NOT write the Bible, men did. Hundreds of years after the life of Christ. This is a fact, and cannot be disputed. It has been written, and rewritten over and over. It is also open to interpretation by all who read it. The Book of Mormon is exactly like the Torah, or the Koran, or ANY other religious book in that they all are upon the perspective and belief system of the Author....again, NOT GOD, or any God for that matter.
Being that many have studied, and spent years actually being educated on religions, and others beliefs, you must understand that your beliefs are not the TRUE beliefs. Religion in that same aspect, was developed for this one true fact....Man's fear of his own mortality.”
God did NOT write the Bible, men did. Hundreds of years after the life of Christ. This is a fact, and cannot be disputed. It has been written, and rewritten over and over. It is also open to interpreta
Being that many have studied, and spent years actually being educated on religions, and others beliefs, you must understand that your beliefs are not the TRUE beliefs. Religion in that same aspect, was developed for this one true fact....Ma
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5 hours ago (3:53 PM)
Hey Penny, I am truly sorry if you felt I was "condescen 0 second ago (8:38 PM)
This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.I think that religion was brought about in the very beginning stages to set about a moral code, to keep the population in line, to help to keep order. Many of the teachings of the Bible, or any religious book for that matter, are there to teach people how to be good, how to live in a "moral code".
2 seconds ago (8:39 PM)
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Let's really take a good look at the 10 Commandmen
My views, my beliefs are that what is most important, is doing your very best to be a kind, decent, and accepting human being. I don't believe that any God needs me to go to a building with four walls and symbolism of the faith everywhere
1 second ago (8:39 PM)
This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.I believe that questionin
sorry for the length, but you asked. :-)
1 second ago (8:40 PM)
This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.As for your link, I come from a long, long history of Irish Empaths, all of whom would tell you any one of them could do the very same....pr
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This same person, commented on many other comments on this thread, and in most said the same sentence, "If I offended you....or if I made you feel less than I, I sincerely apologize." He "apologized about 12 times. Really? So, it's okay to be condescending and arrogant, as long as you "sincerely apologize"? I call bullshit...but....
Yes, I blog quite a bit about Religion, and here is a reason why. It is fascinating to me, it is interesting, and I have learned so much. Even though I may have a different opinion from another, I almost always, every single time, am told I am wrong, or that I don't believe, or what do I believe, or I have even been told I am going to hell. I guess if I believed in Hell, I might be disturbed. I am curious, I am interested, and I am going to continue to learn.
Nah nah na boo boo, stick your head in doo doo. LOL, just sayin....
This same person, commented on many other comments on this thread, and in most said the same sentence, "If I offended you....or if I made you feel less than I, I sincerely apologize." He "apologized about 12 times. Really? So, it's okay to be condescending and arrogant, as long as you "sincerely apologize"? I call bullshit...but....
Yes, I blog quite a bit about Religion, and here is a reason why. It is fascinating to me, it is interesting, and I have learned so much. Even though I may have a different opinion from another, I almost always, every single time, am told I am wrong, or that I don't believe, or what do I believe, or I have even been told I am going to hell. I guess if I believed in Hell, I might be disturbed. I am curious, I am interested, and I am going to continue to learn.
Nah nah na boo boo, stick your head in doo doo. LOL, just sayin....
Revelation 22:18 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book.
Revelation 22:19 And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.
The LDS church claims that because the Bible has been repeatedly translated